Thursday 29 November 2018

Third Trimester Blues

Slacking a lot again, but wow It's hard to actually sit down and concentrate on the one thing, I'm doing the best I can so lets just see how one goes.
Third Trimester, I have a lot to say about this one. Stick around If you want here everything I've got to say about the final few weeks of pregnancy.

You all know my posts have been as real and to the point as ever.
So of course this one is going to be the same as always,  I ain't going to sugar coat anything because why should I? I want to be one of them people who is real and honest and stick to being myself.

But anyway to the point, Obviously once you get pregnant you aren't yourself straight of the bat and won't be for weeks after the baby which is what I've gathered from other mam's.
Each Trimester is very different, well it has been for me. This one being the most uncomfortable for me. If you read my first pregnancy post which was My Pregnancy Story you would know that the start for me wasn't easy & I was extremely sick!!!!! and then in my second trimester I only felt  good in myself for 6 weeks maybe which I was so grateful for! and now well I am just absolutely exhausted.

I am now 34 weeks pregnant and will be 35 weeks at the weekend. So we don't have long left at all.
This week I have dropped, so she is getting herself nice and ready for the big day (but I'll talk about all that in my next update post)

I fall in love with my bump more and more everyday, I just can't believe that there's a little human in there. It amazes me what women are capable off!! I don't give a shit what any man/boy thinks if there reading this, but we are f****** amazing, to be able to do something so magical is just insane.
 I am beyond grateful to do this and with the person I love most in the world.

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Although growing a little baba is the most amazing thing in life and the best thing to ever experience, It's also very hard, I'm not able to do half the things I was able too 5 weeks ago, as this belly just keeps on growing. I am constantly tired now, I don't get up early, I try to have a nap nearly everyday and go to bed around 12 every night, and I still feel like I need more sleep. I am exhausted all of the time and have no energy either.
I'm hungry no matter how much I eat, I'm still so hungry, nothing seems to fill me anymore except a meat and potato dinner, which I can't be having 3 or 4 times a day :( (if i had my way i totally would)

The hormones are all over the place of course, but I feel so much more down in myself and I'm letting the littlest things get to me, I'm trying my best to keep a positive attitude and mind but sometimes you just can't control it. I already suffer with mental health issues before I got pregnant, which I have never talked about ever on any social medias, but I'll save that for another time, when the time is actually right as of right now I'm not thinking straight, my body is not allowing me too.

As your weeks start to pretty much fall into one, It's hard to pick yourself up and enjoy the last few weeks that are left. My feet are now starting swell which I thought I was lucky enough not too get any up until this point, My face is getting very puffy and my lips are swollen (which I'm loving, if they could stay like that, that would be great)

Crying is becoming a daily thing for me, and over what you may ask. Nothing nothing at all, I'l cry if I'm hungry, I'l cry if someone annoys me, I'l cry over nothing and that 100% has to be the hormones, I know I'm an emotional person already but damn I annoy myself with how much I cry.

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Moral of the story is I'm a mess at the moment and have been since I've been in my 3rd trimester.
It's not easy the last few weeks in the slightest, but I'm doing well and I have a great boyfriend who lets me cry and give out whenever I want (I'd say hes on his last legs with me though cause I am a handful lately haha)

I know I'm forgetting a lot of things but my brain is not allowing me to think properly and I'm forgetting everything,  I'll be trying to post some more updates & other little posts in the next couple of weeks, because when I have her I will be taking a little break to enjoy her and spend time with my own little family..

Thank you so much for reading.
Talk soon
Lots of love
Lyndsey xo