Wednesday 14 November 2018

The Truth About Being Pregnant

Before I get into post, I just want to say that I'm not saying I know everything about pregnancy or being a mother. I'm learning everyday and I'm just sharing my thoughts and experience with you all. This is the one thing in life we can never be trained for or learn enough about. Your baby is your baby! and no one can tell you how to care or love or look after your own child. So I hope everyone reading this understands that I'm just sharing what I'm learning along the way of my own pregnancy journey .  

No matter how many mammy's to be, mothers, grandmothers you talk to about being pregnant, no two people have the same experience. We all completely different so of course pregnancy is going to effect us all in a different way. Of course we can ask for advice, hear other peoples experiences to help you along with yours but don't feel like because you heard one thing of this lady and another of that lady that it is going to happen to you. You need relax and enjoy your own pregnancy, especially when it's your first, at least the second time around you'll know what to expect and know what way your body will react.

To me my pregnancy has a lot of up's and down's but most of us women would all say the same. I struggle with some things maybe other women didn't even care about but that is us being different like i said above.
This post is my experiences and my truth about pregnancy.

Morning sickness will more than likely happen - Morning sickness can happen straight away with some people but really doesn't show for 4 weeks. I got morning sickness pretty much straight away, I wasn't feeling well for ages before we actually found out. Some people are lucky enough not to get any but just because you heard of one women not getting morning sickness, doesn't mean that you wont. So keep calm, it happens to most of us. 

Your morning sickness could last your longer than the first 3 months - Yes some of us aren't going to be lucky and wont go away when you hit 3 months, Your morning sickness could linger till 4 months or could last your whole pregnancy, but not to worry, there is medication you can get to help with the sickness and make sure you stay as hydrated as possible to avoid getting dehydrated. 
My morning sickness stopped around 5 months Thank god. (but bear in mind you still can and probably will get sick the odd time)  

Sickness can occur at any time of the day it doesn't have to be the morning -  Just because it's called morning sickness does not mean that it can only happen in the morning. Yes 99% of the time will happen when you wake up but sickness can happen at any time of the day, after dinner before bed, there is not a time set for sickness, you just have to allow your body to react to your pregnancy, but don't worry It will all go away in time. 

Your nipples will be extremely sensitive, go larger and will be sore - Women only really talk about this when they're breastfeeding after the baby gets here but literally the second you get pregnant you will notice them straight away, Honestly You won't even recognise your own boobs! 
Everyday I complain over mine! Mark and My Mam I'd say are sick of listening to me at this stage. The only thing you will look forward to in the evening after a long day is coming home and taking off your bra! 

Your belly gets so hairy - I heard pretty much everything about hair on your body when your get pregnant but I didn't think it would be so noticeable on your belly, well I was completely wrong, I could plait the hairs on my belly haha. It isn't a good look but thank god no one looks at your bare belly expect your other half and plus it goes away after the birth so it's all good. 

Food is all you are going to think about - No word of a lie, I cried loads at the start of my pregnancy over how hungry I was, the struggle was real let me tell you. But yes food will more than likely constantly be on your mind, while I'm eating a meal I'm always thinking about what I can have for my next. Eat as often as you can and make sure your drink loads of water too it'll help with the hungry. 

You will eventually be trading in your size 10 jeans for something a little more comfortable and bigger -  Obviously.... but seriously you will very much hate your own clothes once you start to get big. They wont fit like they use too and will make you feel so uncomfortable. You will just want to live in dresses, or oversized/maternity clothes. I personally live in night dresses when I'm home, there just so comfortable and there's nothing tight or clinging around your belly. 

The leg cramps are real - For me this happens the odd time but it's the worst when your asleep and It wakes you up.... Some of us might not even get them while others could have cramps every night. However you can prevent it, by just doing some simple stretches and having a warm bath to relax your muscles. 

You visit the toilet every 5 minutes - The real struggle with pregnancy. You will be in the toilet for most of the day no lie. Whatever you drink whenever you drink it 5 minutes afterwards you will need to go. They say that It isn't as bad in your second trimester but for me It has been the same throughout my whole pregnancy, so I guess some people get lucky while others (me being one) doesn't. 

And it gets worse at night! - I don't know what happens at night time but my god, It's bad enough during the day, but when you lye down and just when you think your about to nod off, boom! you need to go, sometimes you'll go into the toilet and nothing will come out, that's your little one lying on your bladder and for me this happen's so much at night time, I swear this little princess wants me up moving the whole time. I personally wake up every hour to 2 hours and need to use the loo. Not fun, so if this is happening to you too, try lay off drinking so much at night time to allow yourself to get a some what decent sleep.

You wont get a goodnight sleep - Speaking of a decent sleep above, what is sleep you may ask ? well this happens to all us pregnant women and it is one of the most joyful things about pregnancy. Once you start to pop, you will struggle to get comfortable to get a goodnight sleep, you will be tossing and turning every few minutes. Honestly a pregnancy pillow is the best thing ever made!!!! I get a much better sleep when I have mine, totally worth investing in. But whenever you can sleep do it! you need as much sleep as you can possibly get before the baby comes, so don't feel bad if you end up nodding off during the day. 

Standing for longer than 10 minutes and your feet will burn - If you have a job that makes you spend most of the time standing, you will really feel this! During your 1st trimester, this wont be as much as an issue, as you wouldn't of put on any extra weight. This will start to happen once you start to show, so the bigger you get the sorer your feet get the longer you are standing up and they will swell more as the pregnancy progresses. 
I know I can't stand for too long because my feet will literally go on fire haha, But as long as your wearing super comfortable foot wear with lots of support you shouldn't be too bad. 

Being uncomfortable is going to happen at some stage (if not throughout your whole pregnancy) - Pretty much me in a nut shell, I am constantly uncomfortable and have been since about 16 weeks. This is the same as what I've said above about the bigger you get the more uncomfortable you will be, Especially if it's your first pregnancy. Your body is not use to it so of course your going to feel this way, No matter what I do, wear etc I'm always moaning about how uncomfortable I am. 

People will annoy you - All of the time, Certain things people say you will just want to leave the room and lock yourself in a nice quiet place and be alone with your thoughts. I love my boyfriend to bits, but my god does he do my head in some times. This is 100000% going to happen to all of us, but it's okay our hormones are all over the place, we don't even no which way is up sometimes so don't be worrying if your hating on your loved ones, just move away from them for a while and all will be okay. 

You will get turned off foods you used to love - Pregnancy has changed every food for me, I cannot look at some foods I use to love, I love some foods I never thought I'd ever eat. It's all crazy if you ask me, but yes the sad part is getting turned off foods you love especially if you have morning sickness, that will change everything for you I'm sorry to say. 

Them Kicks and Movement are worth every bit of pain, morning sickness, no sleep etc - 

Once you feel your baby move, you won't care about anything at all, that feeling over powers any morning sickness or pain any day. Knowing that you and the person you love created a little person and It's moving inside of you well It's just a feeling that cannot be described. 

Okay so that's all my truths anyway, as I said above I'm not saying I know everything about being pregnant or becoming a mam but I'm learning everyday. I want this to be one place where I can put my thoughts down and learn from my mistakes without anyone judging me because we are all the same, we need to start somewhere.

But that's all I have to say right now, I hope you all enjoyed this post
Anyways I hope you have a great day/week wherever you are in the world.

Lots of love
Lyndsey xo