Tuesday 5 March 2019

Labour Talk | What to Expect ?

No one can prepare you for labour, no matter who you talk to, what they tell you etc etc. You will never be ready, Take all the advice you can get but everyone's labour is different. No two labours are the same, and everyone deal's with pain differently too. So honestly don't over think it, It's so okay to be absolutely terrified especially when it's your first but I promise you all If I can do it, absolutely anyone can do it!!!!

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My Experience  
I don't want to actually give all the details about my labour, As I've pretty much been an open book with my whole pregnancy, I want to keep the labour part between Mark & Me as It was the most special time of our lives, In saying that I will talk about It In some ways and coming up to the labour.

On the 28th of December (Friday night) I had a little bit of a show, Before I got pregnant I didn't no that that happened (my ma actually only told me half way through my pregnancy, Thanks mam haha) but yea I had no clue, anyways that happened Friday night and I panic a little as you don't really expect it. Straight away my mam was like that's it shes coming before New Years.
Sunday came about, and Mark & me decided to have lazy day and stay in bed, but that did not last long, We thought my waters broke. Because It was my first pregnancy, I didn't know what to expect and wasn't sure If It was actually my waters, So I rang the Anti-Natal Clinic In the hospital I was attending to ask for advice. The women I spoke too asked me to come in, so that's what we did, we got up and got ready. Brought my hospital bags in case I was kept in but I couldn't see It happening. I thought I was over reacting.
We arrived at the hospital shortly after I rang them, and I was brought and put straight on a bed to check what was going on. Hooked me up onto a monitor to check baby's heart etc and asked me a million and one questions, I was lying on the bed with Mark right beside me and the midwife looking after me came in and checked the monitor and asked how I was feeling if I had any pain etc and I didn’t I was grand , to which she then turned around and told me I was having a contraction at that very moment! In all honestly I thought It was the baby moving because her movements were so strong at times I just assumed it was her wiggling around. So I was in fact In early labour, 2 midwives came in and check me again, checked to see if my waters were broke. They couldn't tell but they're looked like there was a little problem, I'm not going to get into it here as It's too long of a story. But  jumping to a while later, They admitted me as I needed to be watched.
The next morning came around half 7,8ish. A midwife came in to check on me, checked my blood pressure and hooked me back up on the monitor. Straight away something was wrong, my baby's heart rate was dropping so the midwife sat beside me for about 30 minutes to watch the monitor and keep an eye on me. I obviously started to panic, but the midwife was so lovely and really calmed me down, she told me that baby was going to be here before the new year. Text Mark straight away to get his arse over to me because her heart rate dropped anything could of happened so he needed to be with me in case I had to be started. Fast forward a couple of hours, I had to get a scan to see if there was fluid around the baby. All was good thank god.
In all this time, It looked like my waters were broke but no one was actually 100% sure. As the midwifes were checking me all day, they noticed something was wrong straight away, so I had to be induced. I got to the room where baby was going to be delivered in and finally realised that my waters were not actually broke but in fact there could of been a little hole that that was why It looked like my waters were actually gone, but anyway the doctor went ahead and broke my waters. and It all went from there......

Throughout my whole experience, I was Terrified, scared, emotional, overwhelmed, happy, excited, concerned, stressed, grateful. I can't begin to tell you how many feelings you feel throughout the whole experience, but one thing I can tell is, the way you feel about your baby when you first lay eyes on them, well let's just say there is no feeling like it.

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What to expect

Labour is hard, simple as. But 100% worth the outcome.

How long does labour last? 
Labour can last a while and by a while I mean a day or 2 or even more. That includes early labour which is always a day or more before you get proper contractions. If you are in early labour, stay at home until contractions are serious. You will be much more comfortable in your own bed and with your loved ones. Proper contractions should last about 60 seconds and come every 5 minutes, Not to sure always ring your anti natal clinic, they are there to help and will advise you on what to do and If you need to go to the hospital. But labour can last anywhere between 7 hours & 24 hours depending on baby.

The midwives & doctors will be poking at you the whole time. From the very moment you get In there to the hour before you leave. Yes It Is uncomfortable but they are doing everything they need to too make sure you and baby are okay. Once your In the hospital in labour, the midwives will check you every few hours, to make sure baby Is okay and progressing, Once your In the delivery room there will be a midwife with you the whole time, she does not leave you and Is there to help calm you and get you through the whole labour.
You will be looked after from the minute you walk In to the minute you leave! (I'm not sure how all hospitals are but Mullingar is great)

The Pain 
It Is painful I wont lie, Everyone told me It was like a really bad period pain. I completely disagree, I can't explain how It feels because Its not a pain any women would experience without actually going through labour. When labour start's It's like a very mild pain that I didn't find painful at all, But as the labour progressed and she got further down, It get's so much stronger and so much more painful. The gas does help to a certain extent but If your like me and a big wuss when It comes to pain, It wont do anything for you the more centimetre's you are. But don't be afraid, If It was that bad no women on the earth would have babies, and hey you might be someone who can stick the pain and not find It as bad as some people make It out to be.

 My Advice for all you momma's that are about to give birth
- Nothing always goes to plan, so have Go In with an open mind, Have your birth plan but also just be open to change as baby can get stressed and anything from then can happen.
- Do not panic, everything will be okay once you stay relaxed, The doctors will always do what's best for you and baby even If there are changes to the way you need to deliver.
- Bring whatever you need to make you feel comfortable and help you get through.
- Take whatever they can give you for the pain!
- Don't be afraid to ask for help or advise in the hospital, The midwives are there for a reason.
- Keep moving as much as you possibly can, the more you move the quicker baby will come and the easier It will be on you.

& lastly the very best of luck to any of you who are about to go through the most amazing yet hard experience us women will have to go through.
I can tell you one thing, every single little pain is worth the end result, to bring a little person into the world, well there are no words to describe the feeling. I can tell you I thought my life was fairly okay before I got pregnant and was happy with where I was going, but looking back I am now 100000% happier, My life is complete. It's the best job In the world.

So much love to you all!
Until next time
Lyndsey xo