Tuesday 12 February 2019

Hospital Bags Essentials

I thought doing your hospital bags would be very straight forward, but I actually found it very stressful. I knew what I needed but what I was actually going to use is a different story, I didn't want to over pack, but at the same time I didn't want to forget anything. 
Now that I have my labour behind me, I can share with you guys what I think your definitely going to need so it will make your life a little easier when It comes to packing your bags. 

Image result for labour bags

I brought 2 bags with me, 1 big suitcase & 1 normal (like a gym bag) bag. 
I used the normal sized one as my labour bag, So I packed everything I thought I'd need when I was in labour. And then I used one side of the suitcase for my bits and the other for her stuff for when we were staying the few nights in the hospital.

Having a separate bag for your labour, makes your life so much easier. Do not pack everything for your labour and stay into the one bag. You do not have the time to look through everything and trust me you need to make things easy for your birthing partner because they wont have a clue haha.

L a b o u r B a g
This is the bag that will be your best friend during labour, when you go into hospital this will follow you from the labour ward to the delivery room, so pack what you think you are going need and use!
Below is the type of bag that's ideal for you to use as your labour bag

Image result for hospital bag

For Mom
 - Pj's 
- Night Gown
- Slippers
- 2 Dark Underwear 
- 1 Dark Towel 
 - Maternity Bra 
- Pack of maternity pads
- Pack of breast pads 
- Toiletries bag 
- Hand Santizer
- Chewing gum/ Mints
- Phone Charger

For Baby
- Baby grower
- Vest
- Nappy
- Hat
* Here's a little handy idea for all you Momma's to make your birthing partner's life so much easier when the midwife asks for your baby outfit. Get some big lunch bags, and pop a baby grower, vest, nappy & a hat in it. Pack two outfits, one in newborn & another in 0-1 months as you don't no if your baby is going to be big or small.

For Partner
- Spare t-shirt
- Deodorant
- Charger
- Money

H o s p i t a l S t a y B a g
This bag should have everything you are going to need to recover and stay over in the hospital for yourself and baby.
Your bag for staying over in the hospital does not have to be a suitcase, you can use whatever you want as long as you have everything you need. 
Image result for marble black suitcases
For Momma
- 3 Pj's / Night dresses
- String tops
- Night Gown
- Slippers
- Socks
- 3 - 4 Big dark underwear
- Disposable briefs
- Maternity Bras
- 2 - 3 packs of Maternity Pads LOADS
- 1 - 2 packs of Breast Pads
- Dark Towels
- Going home outfit
- Chargers
- Flip flops

- Lip Balm
- Chewing Gum / Mint's
- Facial Spray
- Nipple Cream
- Shampoo
- Body Wash
- Moisturiser
- Deodorant
- Toothbrush & Toothpaste
- Hair Brush / Clips / Bobbins

For baba
- 6 Vests
- 6 Baby growers with Scratch Mitts
- 4 Blankets
- Hats
- Large Pack of nappies
- Pack of Water Wipes or Cotton Wool
- Couple pairs of Socks
- 1 Baby Towel
- Muslin Cloths or bibs (whichever you prefer)
- Going home outfit
- Pack of Nappy bags
- 2 Cot Sheets

Extras that you might want but don't 100% need
- Birthing ball
- V shaped pillow
- Makeup
  • Most hospitals have birthing balls, but if you have one you would be better off bringing your own just in case they don't give you one or if you feel more comfortable with your own. But as I said, you do not have to bring one, It is your choice what you bring. 
  • Hospitals don't have the nicest pillows in fairness, So you can bring your own for comfort. I personally recommend bringing a V shaped pillow, I would of been lost without mine, If your planning on breastfeeding It makes It much easier to feed for you and your baby. 
  • Makeup is something I didn't even think about, but If you feel like you'd feel better with a little makeup on go ahead and bring It.

The hospital stay can be very long so bringing what you feel will help you get by quicker, and make you feel that little bit more comfortable, It will make your stay that whole lot easier. 
Same goes for the labour, I bought a new dressing gown for the hospital but then decided to wear it at home and get the smell of my house on it so when I was wearing It, It would remind me of being a home, and It actually made me feel so much more comfortable knowing that I brought a little bit of home with me.

Everything that I have mentioned, I personally used & brought with me (expect the birthing ball & makeup) . As we are all different, I'm sure there will be other little things that you would like to bring with you so go ahead and do so. This is just a little guide for you mammy's to be. 

But anyway, I think that is all I have to say in this post, I'm hoping I am not forgetting anything! 
And I hope this a good little post for all you Momma's to get an idea of what to bring. 

That's all for now lovelies.
Lots of love 
Lyndsey xo